A Leadership Training For Medical Women

Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria presents the 1st Leadership Enhancement and Development (LEaD) Training for the 2023-2025 Biennium.

Sessions will cover:

Leadership Assessments, Effective Speaking & Listening skills, Critical Thinking & Analytical Writing Skills, Collaborative Leadership and Executive Onboarding.

Date: Friday 19th January 2024


Hybrid Workshop with Physical Participation at the Abuja NEC Meeting and Virtual Participation via Zoom

Who Should Participate:

National Exco,
All NEC members,
All State executive, Members of MWAN

Register NOW: https://paystack.com/pay/MWANLEaD2024

Early Bird for Virtual Participants is N7500 only till 17th December 2023.

Prof Rosemaey Ogu,
MWAN National President.

Prof Omosivie Maduka
Chairman, MWAN National Scientific Committee.
