Men Should Support Their Women To Deliver With Trained Health Care Providers — Prof. Rosemary Ogu (Curled from

Professor Rosemary Ogu, National President for Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria (MWAN) has said that there are many problems with pregnant women in Nigeria that cause the death of mothers during pregnancy.She said this while speaking with journalists during the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) Annual General Meeting which held in Kano State.She added that women should not die in pregnancy because they desire to give birth. She advised that one way of avoiding or preventing women dying during pregnancy is for them to register for, and attend antenatal care.It is most important for the men to allow their wives to go and register for Antenatal Care. It is obvious that some cannot go out for Antenatal Care because the men have not given them the permission. A great place to start tackling the problem is for men to support women to ensure that all pregnant women register and attend Antenatal Care.Professor Ogu said all the pregnant women at the time of delivery should do so in health facilities that is safe. Many women still deliver at home. The truth about pregnancy is that in some cases nothing will go wrong and women can deliver and everything is fine, but in many cases something goes wrong and women die in the process of delivery. Those that happen at home, the story is not told outside and the dead women are buried.She urged men to support their women to deliver with trained healthcare providers in health facilities / hospital. That way we can drastically reduce the number of women who die during pregnancy.She said some women do not go to hospital due to paying out of pocket because they don’t have the money. Things are expensive but she knows some Governments are doing something about it especially here in Kano State, the government has Health Contributory Scheme under Dr Rahila Muktar. She is doing a lot and getting support from the Government.She said,” We are appealing to Government to do more to reduce the number of people who pay out of pocket for us to ensure health insurance works for our women, children and fathers can go to health facilities and get the needed care.”Professor Rosemary Ogu said as the National President of the Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria (MWAN) she just came on board few weeks ago and one of the first places she has visited is Kano State. She added that MWAN is deploying strategies to ensure that health is better in Nigeria by partnering with people, communities, Government and Non-Government Organisations to ensure that we can upscale healthcare services.