MWAN National On #16daysactivism

Technology facilitated gender based violence, GBV has an impact beyond screens threatening women’s rights & safety both online & offline. 

Despite their enormous potential, technology, digital tools & the internet have introduced new forms of oppression and violence for women & girls

Women in public eye face greater criticism online than their male counterparts. This undermines how women leaders are perceived.

Ways to prevent technology facilitated GBV

📍Spread awareness about cyber violence

📍Increase young people’s social media literacy

📍Provide women with ethical & safe digital services that prioritize privacy

📍Include women in tech design, legal reforms & decision making

With love from MWAN National

Dr. Maymunah Yusuf Kadiri
MWAN National Publicity Secretary

Prof Rosemary Ogu MWAN National President.


2023-2025 Biennium
